How Many Idea Pins Should You Post A Day 2023

pinterest idea pins

Pinterest Idea pins were the brainchild of Pinterest story pins which phased out in 2021. Idea pins were the evolution of story pins, with better features, and a better name. Since the release of this feature, ideas pins have offered great growth potential to both personal and business accounts on Pinterest.

Pinterest idea pins allow you to record and post multiple videos and images to create a set of stories, that tells your story. Similar to Instagram stories, once posted they appear at the top of your followers feeds – giving you maximum visibility. Unlike Instagram stories, they do not disappear after 24 hours, they continue to live, grow and increase engagement, repins and followers over time. And this, is what makes idea pins such an exciting feature on Pinterest, however, as of November 2023, they have now been merged with static pins.

How Many Idea Pins Should You Post A Day?

Idea pins are fresh, unique content which Pinterest values so you should post as many a day as your resources allow. However, it is good practice to post a minimum of 1 idea pin a week to increase your monthly views, and to keep your followers engaged.

The more you can post idea pins to Pinterest the better. It gives more opportunity for your branding, business or yourself to be put directly in front of your followers, with further opportunity for non followers to see that content when it starts taking off. If you have the time, posting one idea pin to Pinterest a day will set you up for serious success. You’ll notice a very notable increase in monthly views when you start doing it consistently.

Not every idea pin will take off, and that’s fine. Experiment with different templates, see what your competitors or favourite accounts are doing and keep testing and trying until you find your Pinterest sweet spot.

What’s Changing With Idea Pins?

As of November 2023, Pinterest have merged how you share idea pins with the standard way that you share static pins.

After speaking directly with Pinterest, they found that many users liked to share educational, tutorial style idea pins, whilst others preferred to share pins to drive traffic to their website. This move means that the way you post an idea pin is done in the same place as posting a standard pin. When you post an idea pin, your content no longer goes to the top of a pinners feed.

You can still share a batch of images to create an idea pin, but they will be merged into a video. It does mean that the tagged topics are now also available for standard pins, and alt text is no longer a thing that you can fill in, personally a move I find interesting, unless Pinterest now uses something like AI to generate information for a screen reader.

Why Is Consistency Important With idea Pins?

It is good practice to pin at least one idea pin each week because Pinterest values a) Fresh (organic) content created by you, that’s not already live on Pinterest and b) Consistency is the number 1 way to grow on the platform.

A common misconception, and where many businesses and individual pinners go wrong on the platform is that they expect to pin a few times, leave it and get Pinterest success.

You will never be able to grow your engagement, monthly traffic and following by half heartedly getting involved with Pinterest. It’s like going to the gym once and expecting to have a killer summer body. Consistency breaths results, and Pinterest is no different.

When it comes to consistency with idea pins, one idea pin per week is not a big commitment, but the results could make a big difference. Idea pins used to give you greater initial levels of engagement and impressions due to the fact that they get positioned at the top of your followers feeds, however, this feature has now been phased out by Pinterest.

pinterest idea pins

Pinterest idea pins are a fantastic feature that can be harnessed by both individual pinners and businesses. If you are looking for Pinterest Marketing tips or help with your business, please do get in touch with us, we’d love to help!